Outreach/ Media appearances

Research dissemination to policymakers:

  • official Side Event for the Paris climate summit (COP-21 to the UNFCCC) on 1st December 2015 “The importance of social science research for understanding climate change induced migration” hosted by Lund University in collaboration with Lancaster and Hamburg University, with a total of six partners, to disseminate research findings from the EU COST action “Climate change and migration”, my role: lead organiser for Lund University, facilitator and one of seven presenters

Organization of lecture series directed to the wider public

  • Massive Open Online Course “Climate Change: A question of justice?” produced by FernUniversität in Hagen in co-operation with Lund University, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; the aim is to spread research findings to the wider public and to educate people; 28th September – 23rd November 2015; my role: course initiator, course developer, lecturer (for three units) and coordinator and Lund University
  • Public lecture series on globalization with 12 lectures entitled “Humans. Power. Globalisation.” at the University of Hamburg, winter term 2003/4, my role: co-organiser

Examples of public lectures in the last years:

  • Conference opening speech by Angela Oels at the ‘Making the smart city safe for citizens’ international conference (28.11.2018)
  • Keynote lecture on climate refugees at the political conference “Fleeing from humanitarian crisis: the social dimension of climate change” organized by the party DIE LINKE in German Bundestag and the Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation in Berlin (04.07.2015)

Media appearances

Angela Oels about Fridays for Future and Scientists for Future in long interview with Klenkes neo 2/2019 (a magazine in Aachen), published 11th March 2019, see pages 12-13

Angela Oels in support of student strikes for the climate #Fridays4Future in German local newspaper Aachener Zeitung,  published 2nd March 2019

Interview with Angela Oels about smart cities published in the form of an advertorial in the Dutch national newspaper NRC, linked to the international conference ‘Making the smart city safe for citizens’ hosted by Angela Oels and team, published 11th January 2019

Online-article by Lucia Weiß on the website of the German public TV station ZDF heute.de,  18th October 2015, based on an interview with Angela Oels: http://www.heute.de/klimafluechtling-oder-klimakaempfer-naturkatastrophen-nd-klimawandel-zwingen-menschen-zum-handeln-40582746.html

2-page newspaper article by Elin Fjellman in the daily Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan on 23rd November, based on an interview with Angela Oels.

Open Ed piece by Angela Oels „Klimaflüchtling oder ‚climate warrior‘?“ in a series about the Paris climate summit, in the daily German newspaper Neues Deutschland, 28.11.2015 Link to see a summary: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/59019/3187977

IISD Reporting Service – Videoreport about the official Side Event at the UNFCCC COP-21 in Paris on 1st December 2015: “The Importance of Social Science Research for Understanding Climate Change Induced Migration”, hosted by the universities of Lund, Hamburg und Lancaster in cooperation with the EU COST Action ‚Climate change and migration’ (Video-Interview with Angela Oels and others) Link: https://vimeo.com/147531290

Online-Article by Aakash Dhingra, Sustainability Forum/Lund University based on an interview with Angela Oels http://www.sustainability.lu.se/article/there-is-no-simple-link-between-climate-change-and-migration

Video-message for the Paris climaste summit by visiting Professor Dr. Angela Oels, media unit/ Lund University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKBkZaSNn-c

More reports about the Side Event in Paris by Lund University  http://www.sustainability.lu.se/article/theme-climate-migration

Online-Article by Eleonora Kleibel on 28th January 2016 in Lundagard (student newspaper) about a public presentation by Angela Oels: http://lundagard.net/2016/01/28/from-paris-to-lund-debate-on-global-warming/